12 Ways to an unfulfilled life…

12 Ways to an unfulfilled life…I hope you can appreciate the sense of humor and sarcasm

1. Keep apologizing for who you are, and for everything you say

2. Value others opinions over your own

3. Don’t trust your gut. Check in with others first

4. Keep avoiding difficult situations, conversations and challenges

5. Do not take responsibility for your actions and decisions – blame others      instead to stay powerless and in a victim-mentality

6. Feel guilty for your actions and desires, feel ashamed for having them, because you are not worth it

7. Feel guilty about the past and things you did

8. Do not speak up. Stay quiet and don’t stand up for what you believe in, under any circumstances.

9. Convince yourself “ I can not change – this is just who I am”

10. Keep yourself busy with noise, news, unproductive tasks, gossip, negativity, toxic people, blamers, complainers, excuses, and busy work

11. Keep pleasing others and just forget about your own wishes

12. Do not do the work and do not invest into your own growth

🔎🤫Do any of these sound familiar? Let’s not do that. I was guilty for at least half of these just a few years ago until I learned how a mindset like this can really ruin our life.