A Simple and Profound Way to Improve Your Life

There’s a straightforward way to tap into your mind and create powerful changes.

As a hypnotherapist, my role is like that of a skilled detective. To help clients overcome issues like anxiety, fear of public speaking, or even habits like vaping, I need to understand how their current mindset was formed. It’s about dissecting their “thinking,” “feeling,” and “doing” strategies to enable a transformative change.

Take the fear of public speaking as an example. Many people with this fear focus on what could go wrong—they imagine feeling anxious, nervous, or shy, and they rehearse the worst outcomes in their minds. By constantly dwelling on these negatives, they inadvertently program their subconscious to create exactly what they fear. This happens because the subconscious mind interprets thoughts, images, and emotions literally—it doesn’t understand negation or humor. So, when someone thinks, “I don’t want to be nervous,” their subconscious mind only picks up on the concept of “nervous,” leading to exactly that feeling.

See the problem?

The solution is surprisingly simple.

Since our subconscious mind drives 95% of our actions, we need to be intentional about what we think. Start focusing on what you want instead. Thoughts like “I want to be confident,” “I want to be relaxed,” or “I want to be self-assured” plant seeds in your mind. Over time, these positive thoughts will grow into reality, as you guide your subconscious with clear instructions.

Is it really that simple?

Yes, it is.

But don’t just take my word for it—try it for yourself and see what happens.