Author: successmindsetbyurban

2 Common Myths About Hypnotherapy

Myth #1.Hypnosis doesn’t work with everybody.I can’t be hypnotized, because I am too strong willed and analytical.Susan will be controlling my mind, make me do something I don’t want to do, make me say or confess something I don’t want to.Hypnosis is a form of brainwashing. Fact:No one can control your mind without your consent. […]

How can retraining the subconscious mind help with anxiety?

Reprogramming the subconscious mind can play a crucial role in healing anxiety by addressing the deep-seated beliefs, automatic thought patterns, and emotional responses that often underpin anxious feelings. The subconscious mind is like a vast storage system, holding all our memories, experiences, and learned behaviors. By reprogramming it, we can change how we react to […]