
How to have a tough conversation

As a coach who has worked with many couples, I’ve learned that most of the stress and misunderstandings in relationships aren’t because of a lack of love, passion, or intimacy. It’s usually because they haven’t yet learned how to communicate well.

When couples learn to talk in a way that really helps them understand each other, their relationship improves a lot, and life feels so much better.

I want to share a simple way to communicate next time you need to talk about something difficult or important, whether with a loved one or even a co-worker. This approach will not only help you understand each other better but can bring you closer, with more compassion and connection. In the end, everyone just wants to feel heard, seen, and understood.

It’s not about who’s right or wrong; it’s about feeling appreciated, respected, and like you truly matter.

A Simple Guide to Having Tough Conversations with Loved Ones

This conversation is between a parent and child. Obviously you want to implement your own intention at the appropriate place.

1. Invitation and Permission:

Parent: “I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on everything that’s been happening, and I’ve come to some important realizations. Would you be open to having a conversation about it? I’d really appreciate it if we could set aside some uninterrupted time to talk, so we can both be fully present.”_

Purpose of this part: Make sure your partner gives you a resounding “yes” otherwise they clearly show that they are not yet ready to have a conversation, which is to be respected. In that case, ask when would be a better time.

2. Framing the Conversation:

Parent: “Thank you so much for making time to talk with me. I really value your willingness to hear me out.

Lately, I’ve been looking back at our past and thinking deeply about our lives together. I’ve come to a lot of realizations, and if it’s alright with you, I’d like to share some of them.

First, I want you to know that what I’m about to say isn’t me making excuses for anything that happened, nor am I condoning my past actions. I fully recognize that things could have been a lot better and that I could have done a lot better. The truth is, I had a tough upbringing, and I can see now how that had a negative impact on me and how I parented.

But here’s what I really want you to know: It was always my intention to do what was best for you. I’ve always wanted to give you as much love as I could, to keep you safe, to make you feel heard, understood, and seen. My heart has always been in the right place.

Of course, I realize now that my actions didn’t always reflect those intentions, and I made many mistakes along the way. I now understand that I did the best I could with what I knew at the time, but I didn’t have all the tools, the knowledge, or the self-awareness I needed. I wasn’t a parenting expert, and I had a lot of growing to do.”

Purpose of this part: See if the child is acknowledging your position. Look for physical and verbal cues for understanding.

3. Acknowledgment and Apology:

Parent: “I want to sincerely apologize for the ways I may have hurt you, misunderstood you, or failed to be the parent you needed. Please know that my intentions were always good, even if the results weren’t. I truly believe that when we know better, we can do better. And that’s where I am now.

I would love to have a wonderful relationship with you moving forward, if you’re open to it. I hope that with time, you can understand a bit more about where I’ve been coming from and see my heart behind it all.”

Purpose of this part: Look for more empathy and compassion.

4. Mutual Responsibility and Moving Forward:

Parent: “Now, I’d love to hear what you’re feeling about all of this. Is there anything you’d like me to understand from your side? How do you think we should move forward from here?

What do you need more of, or less of, from me to build a stronger relationship? I want us both to take responsibility for creating something meaningful together.”

Purpose of this part: See if the child is open or curious enough to provide input. Are they willing to take responsibility?

This approach ensures the conversation remains open, heartfelt, and focused on healing and understanding, while also encouraging mutual accountability for the future.

Good luck! Let me know how this worked for you and if you need more, I am here for you.

How Fear of Failure Sabotages Success and the Fastest Way to Build Unshakable Confidence

Most high achievers encounter fear at some point, whether it’s fear of failure, fear of judgment, or fear of taking risks. 

Have you ever held back from taking a big step in your career, even when you knew it could change everything? Maybe it’s not just the fear of failure, but the fear of not being *enough*?

Fear of failure often hides behind perfectionism, procrastination, or playing it safe in your comfort zone. It’s the reason why so many professionals remain stuck, even when they have the potential to achieve more.

Fear triggers the brain’s fight-or-flight response, designed to keep us safe. But in our day to day life, it often holds us back from reaching our full potential because we’re avoiding imagined threats rather than real ones.

The quickest way to build unshakable confidence is by rewiring the subconscious mind to let go of fear. We can help you break the deep-rooted patterns that trigger fear, replacing them with empowering beliefs that give you the confidence to go after what you want.

Funny portrait of a young black curvy woman during a training session

Here’s a simple technique you can try right now: Close your eyes and visualize yourself facing the fear that’s holding you back. Imagine yourself overcoming it with ease, succeeding beyond your expectations. This process of visualizing success rewires your brain for confidence.

If you want more and are ready to go from fear to unstoppable confidence, send me a message, and let’s talk about how I can help you overcome what’s holding you back for good.

Remember who you are!

Remember, who you are today isn’t who you are, you are so much more than that and you know it.

But who you are today is who you have become based on your experiences, past history, and beliefs. For some people experiences of the past have caused them to become self empowered, self confident and self assured, which is a wonderful thing.

If based on your experiences you are stuck with anxiety, self doubt and fear, please know this is not something that is useful, nor do you have to feel stuck with it any longer.

Just a little bit of retraining and mind and nervous system can help you shift all of that, so that you can become the best version of yourself.

It’s time you start living the life you deserve and experience the success, happiness and fulfillment you deserve. I am here for you, if I can help you.

Superheroes Cheerful Kids Expressing Positivity Concept

Imagine if FEAR couldn’t hold you back anymore

I see you. I know that feeling of dread when you think about putting yourself out there, the anxiety that makes your heart race, and that sinking feeling when you let another opportunity pass by. You want to speak up, to share your voice, but something holds you back—and it’s not because you lack the skills or passion. It’s because fear and self-doubt have taken the wheel.

You probably know exactly what I’m talking about—the knots in your stomach before a big meeting, the hesitation when you’re about to raise your hand, or the frustration of watching others take the spotlight while you stay in the shadows. You have so much to offer, but the fear of rejection, judgment, or failure keeps you quiet. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

I know because I was there for way too long. 

fear self doubt

But what’s this really costing you? Think about the moments you’ve missed out on—the promotions that went to someone else, the connections that slipped away, the opportunities you’ve let go of because fear got in the way. Every day that you let this fear control you, you lose time, confidence, and the chance to step into the life you truly deserve. It’s not just holding you back—it’s robbing you of your future and of the income you deserve to have. 

Here’s the truth: you don’t have to live like this anymore. 

You’re not stuck, and this fear is not permanent. 

We can rewire these outdated patterns. 

We can shift those old stories of doubt and fear into deep confidence and calm, so you can finally start living boldly, putting yourself out there without hesitation.

It was the best thing I ever did for myself, besides immigrating to New York at 21 years old.😉 

Imagine walking into a room with confidence, speaking up without second-guessing yourself, and finally taking those big leaps that have felt impossible. Imagine no longer holding back, no longer sitting on the sidelines while others take the opportunities meant for you. This is your chance to reclaim your voice, your power, and your future.

And it starts now.

You deserve to be seen, heard, and respected—not just by others, but by yourself. If you’re ready to let go of the fear and step into the confidence you’ve always had inside of you, I’d love to help you make that shift. Let’s do this—because you should never, ever have to miss out on what you’re capable of again.

Still doubtful about hypnotherapy?

“What if it doesn’t work for me?”

Some people worry, ‘What if this doesn’t work for me?’ I get it. It’s natural to have doubts. A lot of my clients felt the same way, especially after trying so many things with little success. But what they found – and what you will discover – is that here’s what makes hypnotherapy different: It works by addressing the root cause, not just the symptoms. Unlike other methods where you’re fighting against yourself, hypnotherapy reprograms the subconscious mind to work with you. It’s not about forcing change; it’s about aligning your mind with the outcomes you actually want. And this process is customized to you—your experiences, your challenges—so it works in a way that’s deeply personal.

“I’ve tried other things before, how is this different?

I hear you. It’s frustrating to feel like you’ve already tried so many things. Most methods focus on managing symptoms, but that’s just a Band-Aid. What makes this different is that we’ll be working on a deeper level – ath the subconscious level – so you can break free from those automatic responses that are triggering your stress response. You won’t just learn how to manage this issue – you’ll transform your relationship with it.

“I don’t know if I can afford this right now.”

I totally understand that investing in yourself can feel like a big decision and you want to get a healthy return on your investment, as you should. But let me ask you: How much is this problem costing you right now? Every time you feel paralyzed by anxiety, avoid an opportunity, or stay stuck in old habits, the sleepless nights, strained relationships, missed promotions, it’s taking a toll—on your time, your energy, your self confidence, your relationships, your health, and even your income. How much longer can you afford to let this problem run your life? Your investment is about buying back your peace of mind and control over your life. What would it be worth to you to have that, in a very short time?

“I’m not sure if this is the right time.”

I often hear, ‘I don’t know if this is the right time.’ But if not now, when? The truth is, life is always busy, and there will always be reasons to wait. But waiting won’t make the problem go away—it only makes it harder to fix later. Think about where you could be in just a few weeks if you start today: more confident, less anxious, able to perform at your best. The best time to take control is right now.

“I’m scared. Will I lose control?”

Sometimes people are confused about hypnosis because they have been told it’s mind control. Let me assure you: Hypnosis is not mind control at all. It’s a completely natural state—like when you’re daydreaming or lost in a book. During hypnosis, you’re fully aware, awake and in control. In fact, it’s about giving you more control over your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. Hypnosis simply allows us to bypass the conscious mind’s resistance, so we can work directly with your subconscious to create lasting change.

I know this can feel like a big step, but I promise, once you experience the results, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner. Imagine finally feeling free from the grip of anxiety and stress, walking into any situation feeling strong, confident, and unstoppable. This is about taking back control of your life. You deserve that, don’t you?