
It’s your turn to stand up and speak…

So it’s your turn to stand up and speak.

You stand up and you’re holding on to something in your hand like a death grip so no one sees your hand is shaking 

You hear your own voice and you’re trying to speak in a way so you no longer sound like your voice is trembling 

You’re there and you’re trying your best to keep your composure yet you’re terrified on the inside… 

Sound familiar?

If this is what happens to you every time you have to speak in public, we need to talk. 

How Hypnotherapy Can Transform Your Speaking

Through hypnosis, we tap into the incredible power of your subconscious mind. All those thoughts you’ve been telling yourself—how smart you are, how talented you are—get buried deep in your unconscious. Hypnosis brings them to the surface, turning those positive beliefs into your automatic response. The fear and anxiety start to fade, replaced by a sense of calm and confidence.

Imagine This Instead

Picture yourself standing up to speak, feeling calm, confident, and completely in control. Your words flow effortlessly, and your voice is steady. You’re no longer just “trying to get through it.” Instead, you’re speaking with power and presence, captivating your audience with ease, while also finally receiving the recognition, praise, respect, income and fulfillment you desire and deserve.

But that’s not all. Hypnosis isn’t just about feeling better. It’s about using empowered language and influential communication to become a more effective and charismatic speaker. Imagine having a secret weapon that makes your speaking not just bearable, but impactful.

Ready to Speak with Confidence?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to walk into your next presentation armed with the tools to speak confidently and influence your audience? 

You don’t have to let fear hold you back any longer. If you’re ready to empower your public speaking, let’s chat. 

Together, we can transform your fear into confidence and make your next speaking opportunity your best one yet.

A Simple and Profound Way to Improve Your Life

There’s a straightforward way to tap into your mind and create powerful changes.

As a hypnotherapist, my role is like that of a skilled detective. To help clients overcome issues like anxiety, fear of public speaking, or even habits like vaping, I need to understand how their current mindset was formed. It’s about dissecting their “thinking,” “feeling,” and “doing” strategies to enable a transformative change.

Take the fear of public speaking as an example. Many people with this fear focus on what could go wrong—they imagine feeling anxious, nervous, or shy, and they rehearse the worst outcomes in their minds. By constantly dwelling on these negatives, they inadvertently program their subconscious to create exactly what they fear. This happens because the subconscious mind interprets thoughts, images, and emotions literally—it doesn’t understand negation or humor. So, when someone thinks, “I don’t want to be nervous,” their subconscious mind only picks up on the concept of “nervous,” leading to exactly that feeling.

See the problem?

The solution is surprisingly simple.

Since our subconscious mind drives 95% of our actions, we need to be intentional about what we think. Start focusing on what you want instead. Thoughts like “I want to be confident,” “I want to be relaxed,” or “I want to be self-assured” plant seeds in your mind. Over time, these positive thoughts will grow into reality, as you guide your subconscious with clear instructions.

Is it really that simple?

Yes, it is.

But don’t just take my word for it—try it for yourself and see what happens.

The absurdity of shameless promotion – why proclaiming your worth isn’t just okay – it’s essential

Have you ever considered this?
Society has conditioned us that we should be humble, polite, not make any waves, don’t rock the boat, and most importantly, don’t brag, be too loud, or too bold.
Be kind and stay on the sidelines.
Remember to raise your hand.
Just sit there and wait your turn.

But, let’s think about this logically and responsibly.

If you know that you are the best brain surgeon in the world, and I know, humbly, 😉 that I am the best hypnotherapist in the world, and we know that we have the ability to save lives, wouldn’t it be criminal to keep that to ourselves?

Quite frankly, it would be unethical.

We were sold that self promotion is bad.
Boosting our skills is distasteful.
We should feel guilt and shame.

Please tell that to my clients whose lives were almost destroyed by addiction,
who were crippled with anxiety and felt numb inside from the side effects of dangerous prescription drugs,
who missed out on promotions, raises, recognition and opportunities because they were paralyzed by their fear of public speaking,
who nearly couldn’t celebrate their child’s college graduation because of the fear of flying,
The couple whose relationship was hanging on by a thread due to uncontrollable anger and rage,
Who was riddled with insomnia, chronic physical pain, and an obsessive compulsive disorder that caused them to miss out on life, work, happiness, income and joy,
Who felt worthless their entire life due to childhood trauma,
Who couldn’t share intimacy due to a rare disability.

And then there was hypnotherapy.

It was the lifeline they never knew they needed. The one thing that finally brought them back to life, health, and happiness.

And yes, these hard working, willing, and strong people did endure years of talk therapy, self development books and programs, medical interventions and treatments, they sought out all kinds of experts and specialists, spent thousands of dollars of their hard earned money, and were not helped the way they deserve to be helped.

Promoting our skills lacks humility and grace?

What do you think about this?

Don’t we have a duty to speak up?

Especially if you know in your heart and in your mind that you have the knowledge, the abilities, the skills, the talent to change lives.

Why in the world would we keep it to ourselves?
It’s like knowing you have a cure for something, but because society dictates to be humble and polite, we should just keep quiet about it.

If you can help someone conquer their deepest fears, break free from devastating depression, reclaim their life from addiction, or an unwanted habit that seems impossible to break, you have a duty to let them know you exist.

It’s time to be loud and proud!

Unless you are out there selling snake oil, there is nothing wrong with telling people what you do.
Nobody bats an eye when a baker proclaims they bake the best bread in town.
Because people want good bread!
I do anyway.

If you ask me, the world needs more bakers who are willing to stand up and say, “I can help you with that, and I am good at it.” Not out of arrogance, or ego, but out of the genuine desire and duty to make a difference. It’s not about being loud, it’s about being loud enough so people who need you can actually hear you.

The next time you hesitate and wait, remember, speaking up, marketing, advertising, and promoting is the most responsible thing you can do. Somebody out there needs you. Yes, you!


Think about a particular goal you have right now and imagine…

If that goal were already achieved, what would it do to your

level of confidence, self worth and self esteem






status in society


purpose and passion


level of freedom

level of security

social connections

level of respect and recognition from others

self expression?

If you can see that it would positively impact all these categories, what specifically would motivate you most to start taking action on achieving this goal?

What’s important to you about achieving this goal?

Finally, what is the smallest thing you can do right now, that will make the biggest impact in you actually achieving this goal?

I hope this little exercise helped you to motivate yourself to start taking action toward reaching your goal.

5 Life Principles to live by

  1. Learn to become unreasonable.
  2. You don’t get what you want in life, you get what you are committed to.
  3. It’s not your fault that things are difficult or that you are at a disadvantage, but it is your responsibility.
  4. Success is not built on convenience, success is built on commitment
  5. It’s a myth to think you are not in control. You are always in control of how you respond to something.