
5 Things I would never do again

5 Things I would never do again!

Following a trend on TikTok where professionals from all walks of life share things they would NEVER do again based on their experience. 

Here are my 5 things I would never do again, based on my experience as a Transformational Coach and Hypnotherapist.

I hope you find the information helpful. Leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you. 

What would you add based on your experience?

How to MASTER your negative thoughts

The secret lies within your subconscious mind.

Everyone keeps talking about the subconscious mind and how to reprogram it – but they never tell you why.

Life is all about perspective. For many of us, our perspective of life, not our life circumstances, determines the quality of our life.

That sentence is so important, let’s read it again –  our perspective of life, not our life circumstances, determines the quality of our life.

We experience life through our senses and through them we gain a bunch of information.

That information is neutral, it’s how our conscious and subconscious mind interprets that information that matters. From there we as individuals decide if that information is good, bad, or neutral.

That’s pretty insightful because this means we can change the part within ourselves which interprets the information. We can make a choice on how we perceive most things in life.

Our subconscious mind determines 95% of our reality, habits, thoughts, emotions, and imagination.

Imagine being on vacation, expecting to enjoy the sunset, but there’s a huge overcast and instead you see nothing but gloomy clouds. 

You’re disappointed because you were expecting this amazing experience of watching the colors blast across the entire sky.

But then you look over and you see a blind and woman sitting alone on a park bench. How do you feel about what you see in that moment?

Does the blind woman need to be there in order to remind you that you should be grateful for your sight?

That’s the thing with the subconscious and conscious mind, when you train it to perceive your reality with gratitude, you’ll enjoy the sunset no matter what.

This is where your life begins changing in a radical way.

When you’re grateful for what you experience, your future experiences become more beautiful. 

Here are 3 Practices to Change Your Habits

Imagine going about your day and feeling a general state of peace. When something happens, at the very least you’re indifferent, or you experience joy and gratitude instead of reacting emotionally and becoming upset.

After a fair amount of mental training, it’s not like you make a choice to live this way, it’s your nature.

For myself as well as others I’ve worked with, once you experience life with this kind of perspective, there’s no going back.

You can train yourself to think good thoughts.

You can train yourself to feel really grateful several times a day for nothing important. Just a bunch of little things which at the end of the day really adds up.

And all those days start adding up – now your weeks are getting better – then your months – and then all of a sudden you have the best year of your life simply by transforming your perspective.

That’s why people are talking about reprogramming their subconscious mind, because they’re sick of a sad, lackluster, unfulfilled, or anxious life. 

They’re sick of the pain and the suffering and they want something different.

If you want 3 quick steps for tapping into your subconscious mind,  here we go!

Step 1

Every morning when you get done brushing your teeth look yourself in the mirror and say:

      “I love you & I’m proud of everything you’re doing.”

Step 2

Write your goals down, think about them several times a day, close your eyes and for 30 seconds visualize yourself achieving them. Feel what it would feel like having already achieved your goals.

Step 3

Use a gratitude journal and record 10 things that made you feel grateful every day. Make sure to write them down at the end of the day and then read them over.

Keep this up for at least one week and I guarantee you’ll notice a shift in your perspective.

If you’re in need of a bit more help than these three steps, simply reply to this and I’ll respond with a few options to help:)

You can HEAL yourself

Did you know that you have the ability to HEAL YOURSELF, regardless of the severity of the disease, how long you have had it, or how many experts and doctors told you that you can not?

This bold statement also applies to healing from addictions, physical pain, self sabotaging habits, fears, phobias, emotional trauma, anxieties, and mental blocks.

We are supposed to be healthy, wealthy and HAPPY!

Our body is supposed to operate flawlessly with no discomfort. Think about it, have you ever had anybody say, ‘It’s ok for me to just be a little healthy, I don’t need to be totally healthy.’  I didn’t think so.

Louise Hay was one of the first to show that our bodies are communicating messages to us all of the time and if we understand the message, we can gain great insight into issues in our lives and how to regain OPTIMAL HEALTH, wealth, and happiness. Annette Noontil who wrote the book “The Body is the Barometer of the Soul”, and Inna Segal’s “The Secret Language of the Body” share the same philosophy.

EVERY ACHE, pain, and illness is a symptom of our body wanting to deliver important messages to us, so that we can understand what lies beneath the “dis-ease” and how to heal from it.

My teacher Dolores Cannon taught me how to communicate with a person’s subconscious and superconscious mind to gain guidance, support and help for healing. 

I am excited to reveal this secret language to you now. Feel free to message me if you want to learn more about this. For more information click on this link

Feeling Stuck?

10 Strategies to Keep Moving Forward When Feeling Stuck

You know what it feels like to feel stuck, right? We have all been there. Perhaps you feel stuck right now. When that happens, it can feel paralyzing to keep moving forward toward your goals. 

Maybe you’re feeling a little stuck working on a project or getting ahead in your business. Your initial excitement has worn off, and you’re now feeling burnout, confused, or overwhelmed by how to keep progressing forward.

Maybe you’re really stuck. You feel trapped in a job you hate, a relationship that isn’t working, an overwhelming amount of debt, or a life that has little resemblance to the one you imagined.

Sometimes we just want to throw in the towel and give up, but don’t give up just yet.

Whether you feel just a little stuck or like you’re stuck in dry concrete, trying to make a small or big decision or wondering what you’re doing with your life, these 10 strategies can help you keep moving forward.

1. Reconnect to Your Why

Feeling stuck is often because you’ve lost sight of the bigger picture and what’s important. You’ve lost your why.

Why did you start this in the first place? What reasons, values, or passions drove you to make this change in your life? What picture do you have for yourself, your business, and your life? 

By reminding yourself of your original intention and purpose, it gives you the intrinsic motivation to get back on track and move ahead.

Connecting to your deeper ‘why’ will be the fuel that keeps you going, even through tough times and roadblocks.

Action Step:

Whatever you’re stuck on right now, grab a journal and ask yourself: Why is this important to me? Why did I start this in the first place? What am I trying to achieve here, and why is that important to me?

When you step back from your life, career, and challenges and look from a bit of a distance, you see things from a different perspective.

2. Take a Step Back

Often, we try to get unstuck by pushing forward with sheer force or just trying harder. But as Einstein said,

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Access a different level of thinking by assessing your current situation from a new viewpoint. Whenever I’m working with clients who feel stuck, this is the first thing I ask them to do.

I have them think about where they are, what got them here, and what they really want.

Action step:

Imagine you are lost in the woods. You could keep moving forward, looking for your way out. You could panic and go in circles. You could head back the way you came. 

Imagine instead that you could stop, take a deep breath, and zoom out from your situation. Imagine you could fly above it all as if you were in a helicopter and look down at yourself among the trees.

What could you see or notice differently from this perspective – a different route, people there to support you, the way out is closer than you thought?

Another way to zoom out is to look at your situation as a neutral observer. Imagine you’re a fly on the wall watching your life. What insights or advice would you give yourself?

3. Get Specific

It’s hard to move forward until you fully understand why you are stuck. You have to get specific and identify what’s really going on. You must name it to tame it.

Theodore Rooselvelt once said,

“A well-defined problem presents its own solution.”

For example, there are big differences between, “I feel stuck” and “I feel stuck because I’m overwhelmed with everything” or “I feel stuck because I don’t have enough support” Once you name it, you are more likely to be able to tame it and keep moving forward.

One of the most important questions I ask clients is, “What’s getting in the way?” When they answer, the next question is always, “What else?” We continue along this route until we feel we’ve gotten to the real, underlying issue(s).

Action step:

Seek to uncover the underlying issues that are getting in your way and stopping you from progressing. You can do this by journaling, talking to someone who knows you well, or simply taking the time to ask yourself these questions.

Once you name it, perhaps the solution will then present and tame itself.

4. Brainstorm Your Options

We often feel stuck because we don’t see any way out from our current situation — we feel we don’t have what it takes to move ahead in life.

By brainstorming ideas and possibilities, you expand your mind and open your thinking to finding a new solution. When you can see potential options, you won’t feel so trapped anymore. 

This is about allowing your creative mind to expand and begin to see potential possibilities. 

If you hate your career, what new potential careers are on your mind? List them all out — even the ones that seem unrealistic or silly.

If you’re unhappy in your relationship, what can you do? There are likely a lot more options than you’ve considered. What are they?

Action step:

Make a list of options for your current situation – as crazy or “out there” as they might be.

When you think you’ve thought of everything, ask yourself, “What other options are there?” This allows you to dig deeper and see ideas you might not have otherwise explored.

Then, and only then, can you start to identify the way forward.

5. Take a Break

Full disclosure, this is my favorite step, because it is the most powerful one. I learned about this important strategy from many of my spiritual teachers and once I implemented it on a consistent basis it changed my life. 

Working 60 to 80 hour weeks is unsustainable and unhealthy, and that is exactly what I did for way too long. I never valued taking time off or taking breaks, because I thought it meant being weak or lazy.   

We all need breaks, a lot more than we allow ourselves to have. Taking breaks allows us to shift focus to give our brains a chance for quiet; it takes the pressure off so we can come back with a fresh mind and new perspective.

When we take a brain break, it refreshes our thinking and helps us discover another solution to a problem or see a situation through a different lens. A break actually helps to incubate and process new information.

A great break is to do something physical that gets you in flow. Take a walk around your block, go for a run, walk barefoot on grass or at the beach. Another popular break is meditation — which has so many proven benefits I can’t even begin to name them all. 

Action step:

What kind of breaks can you give yourself? Which would be most helpful? 

6. Let Go of What’s Not Working

Get clear on what is not working. Stop doing the things that don’t produce favorable results. This could be getting rid of emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, self sabotaging habits, or an old story. 

This is where my expertise can be very helpful to you. 

Take my client Jennifer for example. She was having trouble taking breaks and often would work straight through weekends, missing out on family time and fun gatherings. She experienced anxiety, burnout, and daily migraine headaches. Through our work together, we uncovered that Jennifer had an interesting belief: She felt guilty for taking time off and thought that she would lose everything if she didn’t constantly tend to her business. She thought that having a career requires sacrificing your life and happiness.

This meant she was either going to be a workaholic or broke. In order to move forward in her successful business, she needed to eliminate lots of limiting beliefs and believe that she is not only entitled to take breaks but that taking breaks will make her even more successful.

Action step:

What’s holding you back — an old habit, limiting belief, or story you are telling yourself? How can you reframe your thinking in order to change the direction you are headed?

7. Know What You Need to Get Unstuck

What is currently missing from moving forward and what specifically do you need right now?

Here are some common needs: 

A step-by-step plan, to understand why something is important, deadlines, encouragement and support, to think things through, connecting to a deeper meaning, freedom, and flexibility, and certainty.

Do you relate to any of these?

Action step:

What do you need to get unstuck? Think about what will help you be your best self and work through your problems. Maybe it’s a step-by-step plan, deadlines, a support system, or connection to a deeper meaning.

8. Shift Your State

Instead of placing all your focus and energy on the problem, shift your focus and energy to another part of life. Go do something that brings you joy; spend time with someone you love.

Do anything to shift your state and mood. This will switch your downward cycle of doom and gloom into an upward cycle of hope and possibility.

A great way to shift your state away from negative emotions is to practice gratitude. So, you hate your job. Practice gratitude for other areas of your life. Does it support your family or allow you to work remotely?

Keep moving forward by practicing gratitude

I’m not saying you should stay in a job you hate; I’m just recommending that you get perspective. A state shift brings energy, hope, and positivity into your mindset…keys to getting out of that dreaded stuck cycle.

Action step:

What always puts you in a good mood? What brings you joy, happiness or fulfillment? Do it, and make sure to practice gratitude. Try this: each morning for the next week, write down three things you are grateful for.

9. Take Action

Getting into action is critical to getting unstuck. There’s no substitute for momentum. Action enables further action, while inactivity creates inertia, self-doubt, and confusion.

Successful people know this, which is why they continuously push out of their comfort zone.

I love this quote from Simon Sinek:

“If we think of everything we have to do, we feel overwhelmed. If we do the one thing we need to do, we make progress.”

Know that a path will start leading us down new paths, but you have to start walking first. God can’t steer a parked car, right?

Action step:

What’s the next step you can take to move forward? Where is there a quick win?

When you think about your first (or next) step, keep it small and achievable to get the momentum going.

10. Reach out for Help

We can all use a little help when we’re stuck. This might be talking to a good friend who knows and understands you or reaching out to get advice from someone who’s been in a similar situation to yours.

I am here to help. I will ask powerful questions to help you see things from a different angle. Together we can uncover hidden roadblocks and eliminate blind spots you may not be aware of right now. 

When you’re on your own, it can feel hopeless, overwhelming, and just plain impossible. But, a little pull from someone can quickly change your trajectory.

While this may seem like one of the easiest strategies, it is actually one of the hardest to do. Why? Even though we are biologically wired to help each other, many of us find it challenging to reach out.

This is why:

Asking for help exposes us to numerous possible social threats, which is why it’s so uncomfortable. It can feel like an admission of weakness, which lowers our status, and can be an invitation for scorn. It creates uncertainty, and invites the possibility of rejection.

Action step:

Could you benefit from asking for help in this situation? Who can you reach out to ask for help right now? What would be the benefit and reward by asking for help?

Not ready to reach out to someone just yet? Maybe you can try asking the universe. Some call this prayer, others spiritual guidance, others faith.  Whatever you call it, reach out.

I love the line from Max Ehrmann’s’ Desiderata:

“…whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”  

Trust the unfolding, and know that sometimes it may take a little longer than you’d like.

There’s usually a good reason, even if you can’t see it. Maybe it’s not time to move forward or make changes just yet. Maybe you don’t have all the information you need, and when you do, you’ll quickly make progress. Maybe you’re actually stuck where you need to be right now.

Which of these strategies feel like they will work best for you and your current stuck situation? Let me know.

You don’t have to use all of them; it just takes one to help you keep moving forward.

Remember, any movement, momentum or shift will help get you unstuck and move forward with your life. Besides, it’s never too late to start things over!

Could these Success Blocks be holding you back?

The flawed foundation of success is a set of four hidden barriers based on fear and false belief.
The four success blocks all have something in common. Although they seem true and real they are based on beliefs about ourselves that are neither true nor real. The fact that we unconsciously take them as true and real is the barrier holding us back. We take them as true and real until we shine awareness on it. Then the barriers dissolve and we are free.

That moment is profound.
It feels wonderful.
You will remember it forever.
It’s the occasion of our ultimate liberation.

Although I have experienced that joyful moment and have witnessed it hundreds of times I am still deeply moved every time it occurs.

Could it be possible that you have at least one hidden block that is keeping you from being completely successful?
Let’s have a look….and please know you are not alone in this.
Even if you are already very successful you may have at least one block that holds you back. When you encounter the block your limitless potential problem is triggered. The form it takes depends on which false beliefs and fears you have picked up on early in your life.

Let’s see which ones may resonate with your experience.

Four fears and four related false beliefs hold the limitless potential problem in place. The fears are based on specific long ago situations you’ll probably recognize when I show them to you. The beliefs based on those fears are false and cause you to have a misunderstanding of who you actually are. These fears and false beliefs cause us to live our lives out of a success-limiting mantra that says something like this, “ I can not be successful, because….”, or in a relationship it could look like this, “ I can not get real love, because…”. In financial wealth your limiting outlook could be, “ I can not be wealthy, because…”
When you remove those limiting beliefs you feel a new freedom to invent a life based on your natural genius.

I now want to describe these limiting beliefs with the intention of assisting you in dissolving and dismantling them.

Hidden block #1. Feeling fundamentally flawed.

If you have a deep feeling that there is something bad, wrong, or broken about you, you will find yourself battling with that issue every time you break through to greater love or financial abundance. When you surpass your limitless potential thermostat setting a little voice admonishes you from deep within your mind. It says, “you shouldn’t be this happy, rich or creative, because you are fundamentally broken.” This thought creates cognitive dissonance, the mind rattle that occurs when you try to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time. Given that I am fundamentally bad, how can I possibly be this rich or happy? The cognitive dissonance must be dissolved in one of two ways. By returning to your previous thermostat setting or by letting go of the old limiting belief which allows you to stabilize at the new higher level. The best way is to shine the light of awareness on the thought that you are fundamentally flawed and label it as what it is, a success block.
It’s like a false code in your programming that causes you to slow down in your operating efficiency. It is a block because it blocks your success when you go to higher levels of love, abundance, health or creativity. It keeps pulling you back down to your previous level.

The other way to stop the cognitive dissonance is to pull back from your success and not challenge the false belief. This move brings you back down into a zone you are familiar with. The block wins and you lose.

Story about Kim. For as long as she can remember Kim’s dad had always looked at Kim with disdain. She couldn’t understand why and tried her whole life to change her dad’s attitude toward her. She wanted his approval so badly, but no matter what she did, the hurtful looks and painful feelings persisted. She thought there was something fundamentally wrong with her, otherwise he would love her.
What my client didn’t know is that she reminded her father of his ex-wife, Kim’s mother. The parents went through a bitter divorce when Kim was just an infant and the father could never forgive what Kim’s mother had done to him. Only later on she discovered that the misplaced looks of hate had nothing to do with her, but all to do with Kim’s mother. Kim had no idea of knowing that the negative emotions were directed primarily at her mom. She had no idea of knowing that she was completely innocent of the crime of which she had been convicted.

Hidden block #2: Disloyalty and Abandonment

This false belief may sound like this, “I can not expand to my full potential because it would cause me to end up all alone, be disloyal to my roots, and leave people behind.
2 questions if you have this barrier:
Did I break the family’s spoken or unspoken rules to get to where I am?
Even though I am successful, did I fail to meet the expectations my parents had of me?
If you answered yes to either of these questions you are likely to feel guilty later in life as you expand into more and more success. You might believe at a deep and unconscious level that celebrating your own success on your own terms has come at the cost of leaving behind your roots and leaving behind those who love you. The guilt you feel causes you to put on the brakes and holds you back from your success. It also keeps you from enjoying the success you already have. You experience celebrations of success with bouts of self punishment.
A great example of this is of people who go into a career that their parents expect them to be in but is against their liking. They are miserable every day of their life and therefore causing a lot of up and down success. However, the minute they are ready to face their parents and tell them how they really feel about their career and change course is when success comes more effortlessly and life becomes joyful.

Hidden block #3: More success brings a bigger burden

An old belief that you are a burden can hold you back from expanding to your full capacity of success and enjoyment. If this belief has a grip on you, it may sound like this, “I shouldn’t earn more money, because it might create more problems which will cause a bigger burden.”
At the moment of your conception you have received mixed messages, that you are both a burden and a celebration. Your parents may have considered you a burden, because you were unexpected and they were not prepared for the financial stretch, but your grandparents were overwhelmed with delight, because they couldn’t wait to have a grandchild.
If this applies to you, it will cause you to repeat this pattern often in your adult life. You might experience a big positive breakthrough in your career and immediately start feeling you are a burden on the world. The world picks up on that and presents immediate proof that you are indeed a burden.
What is fascinating about this success block is that we are convincing ourselves of being a burden, even though we are innocent of the original imagined crime, because we all know that we are all worthy to be alive for the simple fact that we were born. Most of the guilt we feel is for crimes we have not committed. The minute we can remove the guilt that our parents and siblings have convicted us of we are liberated from the main issues that triggered this success block.

Hidden block #4: The crime of outshining

“I must not expand to my full success because if I did I would outshine him/her and make him/her look or feel bad.”
This success block is very common among gifted and talented children. They get a lot of their parents’ attention, but they often also get a strong subliminal message along with it, which is, don’t shine too much or you make the others feel bad or look bad. The gifted child is often convicted of stealing attention from other members of the family. One conscious solution these children devise is that they turn down their light, so that the others dont feel threatened by it. How often have we been told as a child to be humble, or children are seen and not heard.
The alternate solution is to continue to shine brightly but turn down their volume of enjoyment of it. If they can appear to be suffering they can get empathy and sympathy from others instead of jealousy.
People who experience this success block will often sabotage their big triumphs and wins by either getting sick, causing trouble, or other negative manifestations.