
Build Unshakable Confidence

A Step-by-Step Guide

This exercise in programming the mind will help you get from a nervous, tense, anxious and uncomfortable state toward feeling more confident, calm, strong and empowered and can be used in any context, whether you are looking to ask for a raise, deliver a speech, ask somebody out on a date, or become a more confident person. 

Think about a place in your life where you would like to feel more confident, empowered and self assured. 

The example below is for a professional who wants to be more comfortable delivering a statement. 

Step 1: Assess Current Confidence

Question: “John, on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident do you feel about making your statement? (10 being super confident, and 1 being ‘I just want to run away.’)”

Purpose: Gauge your current level of confidence. He might pick a low number, which is okay.

Step 2: Break State Physically

Action: Encourage John to shake it off by moving his body or clapping his hands enthusiastically.

Purpose: This physical activity helps shift his body and mind into a more positive state.

Step 3: Recall a Confident Moment

Question: “Can you think of a time in your life when you felt good, confident, or strong?”

Note: The context of the memory isn’t important; focus on the empowering emotional state.

Step 4: Immerse in the Positive Memory

Guidance: Say, “Be there now and see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel what you felt. What does it feel like to feel this way? Who do you become when you feel this way? How is your posture, breathing, energy, tonality, look in your eyes, movement in your body for you to know you are indeed confident? How does it feel as a human being to feel that way? What’s important to you about being that person?”

Purpose: Encourage John to fully immerse himself in the memory and amplify the positive feelings. Be playful and supportive, building up the emotion.

Step 5: Apply the Confidence to the Present Challenge

Question: Once John is in a peak state, quickly ask, “Now, you are in that room making that statement. How does it feel now as you are there?”

Follow-Up: Ask, “What do you sound like when you feel confident? What do you see about yourself when you are confident? Where is that feeling in your body? Let that feeling double, quadruple, even multiply by 10.”

Purpose: Transition the confidence from the past memory to the present and future situation.

Repeat Regularly

Action: Encourage John to repeat this process as often as possible to reinforce the feeling of confidence.

By following these steps, John can build unshakable confidence through recalling empowering moments and applying those positive feelings to current challenges.

Hypnosis for Self Confidence

Transform Your Mindset for Success

Are you ready to unlock your potential and boost your self-confidence? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of self-hypnosis to help you achieve your goals and become the confident, successful person you’ve always wanted to be.

Self-confidence is a trait that many people aspire to possess, but it can often feel out of reach. However, with the power of hypnosis, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to experience unwavering confidence and achieve your goals.

Understanding the Power of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a process of inducing a focused-like state to access the subconscious mind and reprogram deep-seated beliefs and behaviors. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not about losing control or being manipulated. Instead, it’s a tool for harnessing the power of your mind to create positive change.

Imagine being able to tap into your inner resources and confidence whenever you need it, whether it’s during a job interview, a presentation, or a challenging conversation. Hypnosis allows you to access this reservoir of confidence and project it outward, transforming the way you think, feel, and act.

Harnessing Self-Confidence through Hypnosis

In my YouTube video, I discuss the transformative power of hypnosis for boosting self-confidence. I share stories of high achievers like athletes and business professionals who have used hypnosis to elevate their performance and achieve extraordinary success.

By visualizing yourself as confident, composed, and capable, you can train your mind to adopt these qualities effortlessly. Through repetition and effective practice methods, you can reinforce these positive beliefs until they become second nature.

Practical Steps for Self-Hypnosis

To begin harnessing the power of self-hypnosis for self-confidence, follow these practical steps:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax without distractions.
  2. Identify a specific scenario or area of your life where you want to feel more confident.
  3. Visualize yourself in that scenario, embodying the qualities of confidence, calmness, and self-assurance.
  4. Pay attention to your posture, body language, and voice tone as you imagine yourself in this empowered state.
  5. Focus on the positive emotions associated with confidence, such as pride, courage, strength, and determination.
  6. Repeat this visualization exercise regularly to reinforce your newfound confidence and reprogram your subconscious mind.

Unlock Your Potential with Hypnosis

If you’re ready to take your self-confidence to the next level, consider joining my upcoming 4-week group coaching program on self-hypnosis. In this program, you’ll learn practical techniques for harnessing the power of your mind to achieve your goals and overcome self-doubt.

Don’t let self-doubt hold you back any longer. With the right mindset and tools, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you deserve. Join me on this transformative journey and discover the power of hypnosis for self-confidence.

Remember, you have the power to shape your reality and become the confident, successful person you’ve always wanted to be. Take the first step towards a brighter future today!

Sending you much love and empowerment on your journey to success.

There is a big difference between treating anxiety and healing from anxiety

Persistent anxiety may indicate a significant issue if traditional methods like therapy, medication, coping skills, and nervous system regulation haven’t yielded desired results. This suggests the presence of unresolved stress stored in your body.

To truly overcome anxiety, it’s crucial to delve into the root causes at a subconscious level. Addressing these issues allows you to reclaim your authentic self, paving the way for restored health and happiness.

I want to feel like myself again…

“I feel like I have lost my edge. I am feeling really stagnant and stuck right now. I seem to delay everything that’s important. I easily get distracted and get busy with “busy” work instead of focusing on the things that need to be done… and at the end of the day nothing is getting accomplished.

Things only get delayed further and further. I have been feeling really stagnant for the last few years. My mind gets in the way causing more and more self doubt and procrastination. 

I feel frustrated and depressed about this. Nothing is working and I wonder what’s the real issue. I used to be so disciplined and consistent. 

I am afraid that as I get older I am wasting more time, losing more money, and not fulfilling my legacy.


My wife has noticed a change too, but I keep telling her that nothing is wrong and distance myself from her. I just don’t want to be bothered. Yes, I have become irritable and impatient with her and my kids, but they don’t deserve this.

My health isn’t optimal, I don’t like to see myself in the mirror and don’t even recognize myself anymore. I used to be in such good shape, exercised all the time and watched what I ate. 

How did this happen?

I just want to get back to my REAL self.  

I want to feel like myself again. 

I want to be fulfilled and leave a great legacy.

I want to get a grip on my life.

I want to feel peaceful inside. 

I would like the energy and motivation to take my business to the next level. 

I want to provide a great example and a great life for my kids

I am tired of feeling this way.”

I asked my client, “How much do you think this problem is COSTING you?”

He immediately said, “at least 500k.”


Imagine if we could fix this in a short time…what would that be worth to you?

Did you say, priceless? 

I agree, it is priceless. 

Interesting how problems hold hands with each other, isn’t it? And when we fix one problem…imagine what will happen to all the other problems. 

People often severely underestimate how GREAT IT CAN GET when we get to the root cause of the problem.

​My expertise is to help you connect and communicate with your unconscious mind and uncover the “viruses” in your “hard drive” that are driving the unwanted thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors, as well as elicit and redirect the unconscious resources to take back control of your life. 

YOU HAVE THE ANSWERS WITHIN on how to eliminate your problems for once and for all.

We do that with the Advanced Breakthrough Method – a form of SELF HYPNOSIS. This method allows us to 

The result is a REAL and lasting transformation.