
The Secret to an unfair Advantage

🗝 What is the SECRET to an unfair advantage? ( it’s NOT working harder or putting in more hours)

Why are wealthy CEOs at risk for heart disease, diabetes, divorce, and premature death and what can you do about it?

👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💼We are more stressed than ever.

More than half of all executives do not have a satisfactory work life balance.

They live with anxiety and feel completely overwhelmed and depleted. They feel like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, even though from the outside everything seems perfectly fine.

⚕️Doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep per night, but the average Fortune 500 CEO only gets 4 to 5 hours of sleep per night due to burnout and stress.

Excessive stress increases the risk of divorce by 45%, cancer by 200% and premature death by as much as 20%. 

Chronic stress has been linked to unhappy relationships, strokes, increasing the likelihood by 50% and heart disease increasing the chance by 25%. 

👉👉👉What separates high achievers who are in control from everybody else?

❌ You might think it’s working with a life coach, taking massive amounts of adderall, buying self development programs, learning mindfulness techniques, doing Ayahuasca, or going to weekly psychotherapy sessions. 

Those could be useful for some, but NOT for leaders who want to be consistently empowered.

😥What if I told you that the problem is not STRESS. The problem is HOW you deal with stress. 

Unfortunately we learned from an early age that stress is something we should run away from and fear. 

What if the SECRET to ultimate success is learning how to use stress to motivate, empower, and energize you?

My name is Susan Urban. I am a Master Coach in NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis. 

I have helped tons of success driven clients overcome anxiety, burnout, and CHRONIC STRESS, so they can get back in the driver’s seat again and get their life back. My clients achieve this in less than 3 months. 

It’s time to live your best life and become your best self!

📿 Learning how to manage STRESS lowers the risk of heart attacks by 50%. 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Your relationships begin to be meaningful again.

💵 High powered professionals who implement this strategy experience an 80% increase in job performance and income. 

More CEOs are learning how to become true peak performers, despite the pressure they experience in their life. They do this by reconditioning and rewiring their mind and neurology to eliminate any of the drivers that produce physical, mental and emotional challenges. 

They become more relaxed, focused, calm, and in control. 

My gift to you is a free life changing conversation. 🙌 If you want to find out how to do this, message me today. 

Raised to “make nice”?

Have you been raised to always “make nice”?

Have you been told that it is your responsibility to make sure everybody around is HAPPY – and not let anybody down?

What if I told you that is the WORST advice you have been given, EVEN THOUGH the intention underneath this lesson comes from a well meaning person?

This is an IMPOSSIBLE task to accomplish no matter how kind, generous or loving you are.

As a professional, it can feel impossible to balance the responsibilities to:

* Your team

* Your stakeholders

* Your family

So many of the people we speak to are burning out trying to PLEASE EVERYONE!

They were taught that in order to succeed everyone around them must be happy.

Many of us have been conditioned to “make nice” and “be careful not to let anyone down.”

But when you run around trying to please others (and let’s be honest, prove your worth), you only end up running yourself down.

And, eventually, you hit a glass ceiling or BURN OUT.

Listen, the way we’ve been taught to navigate our careers ISN’T WORKING. 

Today, it’s important to navigate as a LEADER who is neither always the go-to solution nor a nice guy/girl.

IT’S TIME to be authentically you, raise the bar, and protect your well-being.

Because a life lived on someone else’s terms is no life at all.

And you deserve to live on your own terms.

If you are ready to rewrite the book to your game of success, I invite you to book a call with me.  

I can show you how you can pivot to be more powerful, and where you can finally draw boundaries around your personal time that won’t tank your reputation.

During difficult times…

During a difficult experience give yourself a chance to feel SAFE.
S = Soften into what you’re feeling. Breathing in, open to it. Breathing out, soften around it.
A = Allow the feeling to be as it is, without resisting or clinging to it.
F = Feel into the emotion with kind attention. Ask yourself, what do I need right now? If you know what you need, do it. If you need to meditate on something positive, say to yourself, I am surrounded by love, I am held in love.
E = Expand awareness to all the people around the world who are feeling the same way right now.
Sadness? Worry? Fearful? Breathe in, breathe out saying May we all know that we are loved.
~ Elisha Goldstein

5 Things I would never do again

5 Things I would never do again!

Following a trend on TikTok where professionals from all walks of life share things they would NEVER do again based on their experience. 

Here are my 5 things I would never do again, based on my experience as a Transformational Coach and Hypnotherapist.

I hope you find the information helpful. Leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you. 

What would you add based on your experience?

How to MASTER your negative thoughts

The secret lies within your subconscious mind.

Everyone keeps talking about the subconscious mind and how to reprogram it – but they never tell you why.

Life is all about perspective. For many of us, our perspective of life, not our life circumstances, determines the quality of our life.

That sentence is so important, let’s read it again –  our perspective of life, not our life circumstances, determines the quality of our life.

We experience life through our senses and through them we gain a bunch of information.

That information is neutral, it’s how our conscious and subconscious mind interprets that information that matters. From there we as individuals decide if that information is good, bad, or neutral.

That’s pretty insightful because this means we can change the part within ourselves which interprets the information. We can make a choice on how we perceive most things in life.

Our subconscious mind determines 95% of our reality, habits, thoughts, emotions, and imagination.

Imagine being on vacation, expecting to enjoy the sunset, but there’s a huge overcast and instead you see nothing but gloomy clouds. 

You’re disappointed because you were expecting this amazing experience of watching the colors blast across the entire sky.

But then you look over and you see a blind and woman sitting alone on a park bench. How do you feel about what you see in that moment?

Does the blind woman need to be there in order to remind you that you should be grateful for your sight?

That’s the thing with the subconscious and conscious mind, when you train it to perceive your reality with gratitude, you’ll enjoy the sunset no matter what.

This is where your life begins changing in a radical way.

When you’re grateful for what you experience, your future experiences become more beautiful. 

Here are 3 Practices to Change Your Habits

Imagine going about your day and feeling a general state of peace. When something happens, at the very least you’re indifferent, or you experience joy and gratitude instead of reacting emotionally and becoming upset.

After a fair amount of mental training, it’s not like you make a choice to live this way, it’s your nature.

For myself as well as others I’ve worked with, once you experience life with this kind of perspective, there’s no going back.

You can train yourself to think good thoughts.

You can train yourself to feel really grateful several times a day for nothing important. Just a bunch of little things which at the end of the day really adds up.

And all those days start adding up – now your weeks are getting better – then your months – and then all of a sudden you have the best year of your life simply by transforming your perspective.

That’s why people are talking about reprogramming their subconscious mind, because they’re sick of a sad, lackluster, unfulfilled, or anxious life. 

They’re sick of the pain and the suffering and they want something different.

If you want 3 quick steps for tapping into your subconscious mind,  here we go!

Step 1

Every morning when you get done brushing your teeth look yourself in the mirror and say:

      “I love you & I’m proud of everything you’re doing.”

Step 2

Write your goals down, think about them several times a day, close your eyes and for 30 seconds visualize yourself achieving them. Feel what it would feel like having already achieved your goals.

Step 3

Use a gratitude journal and record 10 things that made you feel grateful every day. Make sure to write them down at the end of the day and then read them over.

Keep this up for at least one week and I guarantee you’ll notice a shift in your perspective.

If you’re in need of a bit more help than these three steps, simply reply to this and I’ll respond with a few options to help:)